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My Services

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused just about every business to reflect on how prepared it was for the massive disruption that the pandemic and associated counter-measures caused. For some companies this meant dusting down their business continuity plans and putting these into action, however for a significant number of businesses, their plans are either inadequate or non-existant. Many of these face a long hard road back to pre-pandemic business levels, sadly some have already decided to close for good, including some big, well known brands.

I offer consultancy and bespoke training in Crisis Management, Leadership and Change Management, Strategic Leadership and Governance Business Continuity and Resilience as well Training Management and Performance Management.

The consultancy enables me to get a clear picture of your organisation, it’s strategic aims and objectives and organisational culture. I then develop and deliver bespoke training programmes and training interventions designed to help your organisation reach it’s goals.

Above all, I’ll help to prepare your company to turn current future challenges into opportunities.